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Inappropriate Behavior Posts

Actually Koko could talk; you just have some hidden ableism – A Response to Soup Emporium’s “Why Koko couldn’t talk (sorry)|The Deep Dive”

This is in response, and speaking directly, to the creator of this video. Edit: On 9/23/22, Soup Emporium actually contacted me about this article, and his classy AF response is below. Folx, this is how scientists should behave. Thank you, Soup, for your humility and openness to learning. Everyone else,…

ABA Internationals’ Statement and Their Task Force to Advise on Person-Centered Services: Some Thoughts

This post is in response to the announcement shown below from ABA International’s Facebook page on 9/7/2021. The announcement came as a bit of a surprise, to me at least, considering how long the autistic and ABA Reform communities have been reaching out to them to say or do– well,…

All Students Deserve Challenging Curricula I came across this article and wanted to highlight it here. Because it deserves a click and your full attention, I will be discussing it with the assumption that you’ve read it and will not be summarizing it.  In this article and the related one about The Celery Story…

The Troubling (and True) Shared Lineage Between ABA and Conversion Therapy

CW: Suicide, child abuse on the basis of gender and sexuality, aversives, torture Update 12/26/21: Additional commentary can be found here. Now that we’ve kicked off Pride Month by first discussing how conservatism is equated to unethical practices, let’s continue by discussing the dirty little secret ABA defenders don’t like…

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