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Anonymous Guest Post: Pain Processing Differences in Autistics: Are We Being Endangered by Misunderstandings in the Medical Community?

“Our Family is Different” In the sixth grade, my father sat me down for a “serious talk.” This was the first of a few “serious talks” he would need to have with me over the course of my childhood. As a diagnosed autistic person (Asperger’s at the time), I was…

ABAI’s Extinction Burst: A Critical Look at their Response to Criticism

Recently, ABAI released a statement in response to the avalanche of criticism they’ve received for constantly increasing the Judge Rotenberg Center’s presence at the annual conference. Specifically, about their lack of action in response to the serious concerns about the JRC, and overall sketchy practices. The response itself can be…

Why “I treat my autistic kid like everyone else” is actually doing them a disservice. 

Many a caregiver of autistic kids will proudly declare that they don’t treat their child any differently than they would if they weren’t autistic. Especially if they have more than 1 child, at least one of whom is neurotypical, they will often provide several examples of how they will put…

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