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Tag: ableism

Anonymous Guest Post: Pain Processing Differences in Autistics: Are We Being Endangered by Misunderstandings in the Medical Community?

“Our Family is Different” In the sixth grade, my father sat me down for a “serious talk.” This was the first of a few “serious talks” he would need to have with me over the course of my childhood. As a diagnosed autistic person (Asperger’s at the time), I was…

ABA’s Deficits in Perspective-Taking and Rigidity

One of the most “annoying” stereotypes about ABA is that it’s robotic. BCBAs and therapists are portrayed as unemotional beings walking around with our clipboards watching with deadpan expressions as a toddler cries. Many of us find this description deeply offensive and launch into a pedantic explanation for how inaccurate…

Goals and ABA

CW: ableism, suicide ABA with autistic children was literally created with the goal of making them “indistinguishable from their typically developing peers.” With the focus being only on observable and measurable behaviors to outsiders, the radical behaviorist roots of ABA as a therapy for autism becomes questionable at best. In…

ABA Internationals’ Statement and Their Task Force to Advise on Person-Centered Services: Some Thoughts

This post is in response to the announcement shown below from ABA International’s Facebook page on 9/7/2021. The announcement came as a bit of a surprise, to me at least, considering how long the autistic and ABA Reform communities have been reaching out to them to say or do– well,…

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