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Pinned: I’m still here.

tl;dr: Taking a pause, but not permanently

If you’ve been following, you’ve probably noticed the pace has slowed quite a bit. If you haven’t noticed, don’t look at the dates on the last few posts.

I stand by this blog and the importance of each and every article– both written and yet to be written… but I need to be honest about some things right now.

My spouse has been battling serious, disabling health issues, and I have been the sole caregiver. Being a caregiver in America to someone with a mysterious illness usually means a lot of fighting– fighting doctors to do their jobs, fighting insurance companies to pay for procedures, and fighting everyone in between to take a trans person seriously. It’s been exhausting, and the days in which I have the brain power to create properly researched posts are fewer and farther between.

I haven’t wanted to make this post because I didn’t want it to sound like this is the end. It sounded too much like a band swearing they aren’t breaking up when all of the members decide to go work on solo projects. I have no intentions of stopping, but I can’t commit to posting as regularly as I like,

The good news is, we may have finally made some headway. I’m hoping there’s light at the end of the tunnel. In the meantime though, my spouse and I both need to take some time to heal. I can’t put a date on when I’ll be back, all I can say is I will. Until then, thanks for all the support, please keep sharing these articles, and keep an eye out for guest posts. I’m looking forward to jumping back into the garbage pails again.

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