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Tag: disabilities

Anonymous Guest Post: Pain Processing Differences in Autistics: Are We Being Endangered by Misunderstandings in the Medical Community?

“Our Family is Different” In the sixth grade, my father sat me down for a “serious talk.” This was the first of a few “serious talks” he would need to have with me over the course of my childhood. As a diagnosed autistic person (Asperger’s at the time), I was…

Why “I treat my autistic kid like everyone else” is actually doing them a disservice. 

Many a caregiver of autistic kids will proudly declare that they don’t treat their child any differently than they would if they weren’t autistic. Especially if they have more than 1 child, at least one of whom is neurotypical, they will often provide several examples of how they will put…

ABA’s Deficits in Perspective-Taking and Rigidity

One of the most “annoying” stereotypes about ABA is that it’s robotic. BCBAs and therapists are portrayed as unemotional beings walking around with our clipboards watching with deadpan expressions as a toddler cries. Many of us find this description deeply offensive and launch into a pedantic explanation for how inaccurate…

Capitalizing on Autism: How Insurance and Corporations Have Turned ABA into a Big Business Preying on the Disabled

Health insurance. The one thing all providers in America can agree on. I’ve yet to meet a single provider in any field that has any kind words to spare for it. In the 10+ years I’ve been in the field, I’ve watched health insurance pull our hands farther and farther…

We Don’t Actually Know Everything: What I’ve Learned from Collaboration with OTs and SLPs

Raise your hand if you came out of grad school thinking ABA has all the answers. Have you ever scoffed at an occupational therapist’s report, with all of its mentalistic language and “poor measurement?” What about working with speech pathologists? How often have you tried to convince families to drop…

Actually Koko could talk; you just have some hidden ableism – A Response to Soup Emporium’s “Why Koko couldn’t talk (sorry)|The Deep Dive”

This is in response, and speaking directly, to the creator of this video. Edit: On 9/23/22, Soup Emporium actually contacted me about this article, and his classy AF response is below. Folx, this is how scientists should behave. Thank you, Soup, for your humility and openness to learning. Everyone else,…

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