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Tag: ABA

The BACB Makes the Right Decision, Just Never the Correct One

The BACB dropped this today in its newsletter. In case you don’t read the BACB newsletter (you really should), the context for this month’s newsletter is in reference their March 2022 release, stating: “The committee also discussed whether DEI content should be incorporated into the continuing education requirements and, if…

ABAI’s Extinction Burst: A Critical Look at their Response to Criticism

Recently, ABAI released a statement in response to the avalanche of criticism they’ve received for constantly increasing the Judge Rotenberg Center’s presence at the annual conference. Specifically, about their lack of action in response to the serious concerns about the JRC, and overall sketchy practices. The response itself can be…

ABA’s Deficits in Perspective-Taking and Rigidity

One of the most “annoying” stereotypes about ABA is that it’s robotic. BCBAs and therapists are portrayed as unemotional beings walking around with our clipboards watching with deadpan expressions as a toddler cries. Many of us find this description deeply offensive and launch into a pedantic explanation for how inaccurate…

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