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ABAI’s Extinction Burst: A Critical Look at their Response to Criticism

Recently, ABAI released a statement in response to the avalanche of criticism they’ve received for constantly increasing the Judge Rotenberg Center’s presence at the annual conference. Specifically, about their lack of action in response to the serious concerns about the JRC, and overall sketchy practices. The response itself can be…

Update to The Troubling (and True) Shared Lineage Between ABA and Conversion Therapy

Spoiler alert: It’s still troubling and true. CW: Aversives, torture, child abuse on the basis of gender, sexual, and romantic orientation, suicide/suicidal ideation It seems about a month before I made this post, ABA International put out this statement on conversion therapy. Well what kind of marsupial writer would I…

ABA Internationals’ Statement and Their Task Force to Advise on Person-Centered Services: Some Thoughts

This post is in response to the announcement shown below from ABA International’s Facebook page on 9/7/2021. The announcement came as a bit of a surprise, to me at least, considering how long the autistic and ABA Reform communities have been reaching out to them to say or do– well,…

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